Top 10k strings from Magnetic Moon (1989)(FSF Adventures)(128k)(Part 1 of 3).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   2 ;"               ";
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   1 Searching for o
   1 POSITION # 
   1 MM128k    
   1 I|*R~w#s#r#6
   1 Do you require diagnostics?
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Are you sure? 
   1 A PAWed game o hacker
   1 ;"THE STORY:"
   1 ;"In 3 Parts":
   1 ;"Good luck - you'll need it!!":
   1 ;"By Larry Horsfield":
   1 ;"A Science Fiction Adventure":
   1 ;" STOP THE TAPE ";
   1 ;" PRESS ENTER ";
   1 ;" MAGNETIC MOON ":
   1 ;"             ";
   1 ;"             "
   1 ;                    "                                         MAGNETIC MOON:                                               PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS                                      "
   1 ;                    "                                         MAGNETIC MOON                                          "
   1 ;                             "   PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE   ":
   1 ;                             "                                    Do you wish to read the                                      instructions and story again ?                                            [ Y / N ]                                            ":
   1 ;                             "                                    Do you need to read the                                         instructions and story?                                                [ Y / N ]                                            ":
   1 :PAWOVR   
   1 128k MM1 F4
   1 128k MM1 EI
   1 128k MM1 D
   1 128k MM1 C
   1 128k MM1 B4
   1 128k MM1 A
   1 128k MM1 @
   1 128k MM1  V
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   1 "start their work, the captain   calls for volunteers to form an assault party to search for the entrance to this installation."
   1 "You realise that you will have  to get off the ship without the captain or Mr Pocks seeing you! You'll also have to get some    equipment together, as you have no idea what dangers are lurkingout there on the surface of the moon! Will you be able to free  the Stellar Queen from the grip of the                                    ""MAGNETIC MOON""!!!"
   1 "You may get extra information   about your surroundings if you  LOOK AROUND, ACROSS, OVER, UNDERor IN places and things, or in  various directions, i.e. LOOK   NORTH, etc. You can EXAMINE     objects to find out more about  them, or SEARCH things or placesto find objects that may be of  use. Read the location texts andall the messages carefully, as  they may contain clues that may help you solve the adventure."
   1 "You may change the character setby using the FONT option. Simplytype 
   1 "You decide to go against CaptainMorgan's orders, and try to get off the ship and search for thisinstallation on your own! It maybe more dangerous this way, but it sure will be more fun!"
   1 "You can find out how many turns you've taken by typing ""TURNS"", or just ""TU"", and you can repeatyour last command by typing     ""AGAIN"", or simply ""A"". ""VOCAB"",or ""V"", displays a list of verbsand other useful words, while   ""INFO"" lists all the commands."
   1 "You are one of the first to stepforward to volunteer for this   mission, but the captain refusesto allow you to go! He tells youthat you are needed on board theship to help Commander Pocks getthe Stellar Queen repaired!"
   1 "You are horrified by this! Afternearly two years of very boring survey work, a chance to get in on some REAL action is too good to miss!!"
   1 "This adventure was written using""PROFESSIONAL ADVENTURE WRITER"",by Gilsoft.";:
   1 "The ship is then dragged down toalmost certain destruction on   the moon, but just at the last  moment, the tractor beam breaks contact and the helmsman regainscontrol! Instead of crashing,   the ship makes a heavy landing, causing some damage to the ship and injuries among the crew."   
   1 "The ship is immediately put on  red alert, and Commander Pocks  tells Captain Morgan that the   ship is now being held in a verypowerful magnetic field, the    source of which is a big under- ground installation west of yourpresent position. Mr Pocks also says that the magnetic field is jamming all communications! As  the ship's damage repair crews"
   1 "The main inspiration for this   adventure came from the sci-fi  novel ""SARGASSO OF SPACE"", by   Andre Norton (written in 1955)."
   1 "The exits when on board any     spaceship are:                  FORWARD (FO = N)    AFT (AF = S)PORT (PO = W) STARBOARD (ST = E)"
   1 "The date is 9th June, 2153 A.D.,and you are Sub-Lieutenant Mike Erlin, Assistant AstroNavigationOfficer on board the Survey and Exploration Corps Spaceship,    ""Stellar Queen"". Your ship is   surveying unexplored space in   the region of the star Schedir, when you lose contact with your scoutship, the ""Pathfinder"".    Her captain had just radioed in that they'd discovered an earth-type planet with two moons, whenthere was a loud burst of staticthen complete silence!"
   1 "Suddenly, as the ship passes    close to the larger of the two  moons, a powerful tractor beam  lashes out from the surface and seizes the ship in a vice-like, unbreakable grip!"
   1 "Sincere thanks to my playtestersAllan Phillips, Barbara Gibb,   Jack Higham, and Lorna Paterson;                                Thanks also to Walter Pooley forhelp with the loading screens;  to Brian R. Pell for the inlay  illustration; and special thanksto Mandy Rodrigues of ""ADVENTUREPROBE"" for all her help, advice and encouragement."
   1 "SAVE and LOAD (to and from tape)are as normal, and you can also RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD to and from memory.":
   1 "On arriving at the last known   position of the ""Pathfinder"",   Commander Pocks, the ship's 1st Officer, sets a search pattern  and the ""Queen"" starts to look  for the lost scoutship."
   1 "If you are starting from a SAVEdor RAMSAVEd position, it may be necessary to redescribe the     location in order to restore theselected character font."
   1 "If you ""die"", you'll be asked ifyou want to be resurrected. If  you reply ""Y"", you will then be resurrected at the last RAMSAVEdposition. If you reply ""NO"" (youmust type both letters, not just""N""), the normal ""QUIT"" routine follows. NOTE: Your position is always RAMSAVEd at the start of each part and when you SAVE yourposition to tape."
   1 "Elsewhere, the exits are the    usual compass directions, i.e.  N,S,E,W,NW,SW,NE,SE, plus U & D."
   1 ""it"" can  be used to refer to the first   noun in any sentence, e.g. ""GET THE FLASHLIGHT FROM THE PACK ANDEXAMINE IT, THEN SWITCH IT ON"". Note that ""the"" may be omitted.":
   1 ""FONT"" followed by a numberfrom 1 to 4, e.g. FONT 3. Note  that FONT 1 is the character setpresent when you first load the adventure, and you can change   the FONT in Part 1 only."
   1  "This adventure is in 3 parts andat the end of parts 1 & 2 you'llneed to save your position to   tape in order to start play in  the next part."
   1              "Some single-letter inputs are :   I = INVENTORY; X = EXAMINE;      Q = QUIT; R = REDESCRIBE;     G = GET; T = TAKE; A = AGAIN;"
   1               "You can GET, DROP, WEAR & REMOVEALL and you can also EXAMINE ALL(objects) CARRIED
   1               "This adventure will accept full English sentences and